Monday, April 27, 2020

Masters of Sex

I have heard many crazy stories about scientific research and discoveries from fellow researchers during my PhD days in IISc and I am so surprised that I did not hear about the research work by Masters and Johnson. Their research journey was made as a television series called "Masters of Sex" loosely based on Thomas Maier's biography "Masters of Sex", and aired between 2013 and 2016. Now it is available in Amazon prime.
Their research is about wiring up the humans and record their response during various sexual acts. Crazy huh!! The year was 1957 and US was still a conservative society. 
This television series speaks beyond their research journey and explores how their own life was affected/influenced because of their research work. It subtly touches upon feminism, homosexuality, civil rights and Vietnam war. The television series was well made and can keep you at the edge of the seat many times. The actors did an amazing job. Sets and cinematography was excellent. It was very well glued with the content. The television series was fictionalised at few parts to protect the identity of living persons. 
For sure, the research work itself is an interesting thing to me. You can find how the initial curiosity of Dr. Masters on "what woman finds pleasure during various sexual acts!!!" led Masters & Johnson to treat sexual dysfunction couples in their later career. Then you can notice the two sides of the coin though it is not explicitly mentioned. On one side, Dr. Masters' obsession on his research work and his attempts to win his love over Mrs. Johnson. On other side, Mrs. Johnson's passion to pursue some kind of research work despite of her lack of qualification and her struggles not to jeopardize her professional life due to her personal life. 
This is purely my opinion. I too believe that Mrs. Johnson never loved Dr. Masters though they two got married and lived for 20 years. Dr. Masters and Mrs. Johnson were like work-couples. 
It is worth watching!!!! Now time to read the book 
Here is a snippet of true story:
I advise you to read the true facts after watching the television series otherwise you may lose the thrill.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Preventive measures for Coronavirus

What we should do now as an individual?
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Have healthy diet to maintain your immune system
  • Stop your maids, cooks and servants but not their pay
What more we or our government can do?
  • Create awareness about “Social distancing” through celebrities like actors/sportsperson and play it repeatedly in all television channels.
o   Below is some nice content on “Social distancing” but with unpopular faces which can be made with popular faces like actors/Sportsperson and play it repeatedly in all television channels.
  • Government can set up hotlines with the help of few Television channels and disaster management experts to provide solutions for the problems that people face on day to bay basis while maintaining social distancing. Film industry people or sportsperson participating in such shows along-with the experts also helps people to watch such shows.
o   When we try to maintain social distancing, many do not know how to deal the situation which led to panic situation. For example, when the government locked down the borders, there was a huge rush for the people to reach their hometowns. People gathered in the bus stands and supermarket shops. The whole idea of social distancing fails here. At the same time, many Paying-Guests are getting closed. One solution I can think of is: May be the government should allow limited buses and trains to operate with half of its capacity so that passengers can maintain some distance from each other. The passengers should also be instructed to be in self-quarantine or the complete family to be under home-quarantine after reaching their hometown. Ask your neighbours/அண்ணாச்சி-கடை to help you with grocery to be delivered at your door step. Etc.....
  • We may require many isolation rooms and not necessarily require medical facilities. Isolation rooms should give a sense of comfort to people so that people do not panic on hearing the word “isolation rooms”. We might need isolation rooms in the future as well, as soon as the borders are opened across countries. It is better to be prepared.
o   Hotels and Paying-Guests can offer sophisticated isolation rooms (provided with proper toilets cum bathroom, hygienic food and internet connection) at a nominal cost.
o   Simple isolation rooms can be quickly built in big grounds, auditoriums and marriage halls.
What Researchers/Technologists/Engineers are doing and how you can contribute?
Few interesting inventions that I came across:
  • Suits for persons: 
  • Mechanical Ventilator designs:


  • In-helmet PAPR for delivery personnel: (You can find bunch of them in internet. I have provided one of the links below)

Check out LinkedIn for more inventions. Allow your imagination to solve our problems. However, none of these things will not be available tomorrow. So still “Social distancing” is important till any of these inventions comes to market or cure to disease is found.
Beware of scams
Few scammers are looking for opportunities. So beware of those as well. Please check the authenticity of the news,data or person visiting you. Please ask for ID card if any government officials visit your doorstep.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

"Coronavirus" and the concept of "Social distancing"

I was surprised that few of my friends have misunderstood the way "how Coronavirus spread" and the concept of "Social distancing". So I thought of posting this.
Information about Coronavirus and the concept of "Social distancing"
The following link explains in a very precise and concise way (<10 mins) about the Coronavirus, how it spreads and how social distancing would help us to fight this outbreak. Don't be worried if you don't understand the first 4 minutes of the video because it can be too technical for few people but hang on till the end of this video.
The below websites are good to know the statistics by country-wise:
It is not just the doctors and bioscience researchers are studying about this virus and trying to develop the medicines to cure the disease. Quite a few Engineers and Technologists have also put their heads into it. One interesting invention that I read: 
Allow your imagination to solve our problems. However none of these things will not be available tomorrow.
India’s position
As far as India concern, I feel the government is doing a great job. But that won't be suffice. We as individuals also should act responsibly for at least next one month. Indians who don't have foreign travel history are also equally responsible to spread the virus at this point. It would be great to maintain social distancing even among your family members within your home. People who are returning to their home towns from cities should confine in a room of your house for at least 14 days to avoid spreading it to your parents or family members whose immunity is compromised or be under home quarantine as a family.
India being the highest population density and do not have proper health care facilities might see more number of deaths if we allow to increase the number of cases. Our government is taking all possible preventive measures to reduce the rate of spread. In fact, I feel India has indeed reduced the rate of spread compared to other countries by imposing curfew and locking down the state borders but India have already reported 10 deaths out of 519 reported cases which is a big percentage, I feel. So, it is important for each of us to act responsibly and smartly without panicking.
My story
I came from Spain on 13th March and then took the following steps:
  • Since I reached my home from airport, I have not stepped out of my home.
  • I work from my home.
  • I have asked my maid not to come but have not stopped her pay (…. very important).
  • I buy my groceries through big basket. For the past couple of days, big basket also starts cancelling my orders due to high demand. I informed my Apartment association members about my status and they immediately asked a vegetable vendor to deliver the list of vegetables and fruits I have asked for. The vegetable vendor placed the vegetables/fruits carton at my doorstep and maintained a distance of more than 6 feet before calling me outside. I am happy that he requested me to pay by Google-Pay when I offered for cash.

The airport authorities have checked my temperature, got my contact details and then allowed me to enter the country. Maybe they should have directly sent us to some quarantine centers, I felt. However, yesterday the government officials knocked my door and stamped on my hand and requested me not to leave my home before 28th March. Now they are tracking/monitoring each and every person who have come from abroad in the past two weeks.
The worst part in my story is that I took taxi from airport to home - my only point of contact. Now you can think of how many people might have come in contact with this taxi driver though I have confined myself in my room. Now you can think of how this can spread and that is why I reiterate that "Persons who don't have foreign travel history are also equally responsible to spread the virus at this point". So, maintain "Social distancing" for at least next few days to avoid spreading it to your parents or family members whose immunity is compromised. We need strength to recover our economy after this is over. The good part in my story is that I did not show any symptoms so far and I have 5 more days to complete my incubation period.
Thanks to the digital world!!!!
Nevertheless, I will stay indoors as long as I could. Thanks to the digital world which allowed me to work from home, enjoy unlimited entertainment, could buy essential things and talk to my friends & family members – all by online. Of course this is not the case for everyone. But whoever is possible to isolate themselves in this way should do so till we see zero number of cases for a week. Each and every person is responsible here because we are talking about exponential increase. So please act responsibly, especially young people. Educate your-self, your friends, relatives, neighbours and servants about Coronavirus and "Social distancing".

It would be great if someone translates the above video to their local language and circulate it, after getting proper rights from the video makers. Educate your-self, your friends, relatives, neighbours and servants.
Stay safe.

Masters of Sex

I have heard many crazy stories about scientific research and discoveries from fellow researchers during my PhD days in IISc and I am so ...